

The Sunday Edit #82 - Liquid Lip Week Winner

This week has been fairly chilled, not a lot has gone on to speak of! We have been away all week, so we have been to a few places shopping, chilled in the sun and just lounged around really. We are coming home today (well I'm leaving early by myself actually) because I am meeting some friends at the Balloon Fiesta which is a huge event in Bristol where I live, where you might've guessed, there is hot air balloons! It happens every year but I haven't been since I was really little because we have always been away over the weekend in august when it takes place. I'm quite excited to go, but a little apprehensive because I know it'll be packed, people have come from all over the world just to see it! Another exciting thing that happened this week is that I won a giveaway from the lovely Kat who runs I won 3 limited edition baby lips so I am very excited for them to arrive so I can play with them!

You may have noticed that the last post in my little series on liquid lipsticks went up this morning, which means it is time to announce the winner. The Winner is.......................................................................... COLOURED RAINE! This one trumps all of the rest with both the formula and the shade range! The only downside would be the price, but I definitely think they are worth investing in. Have you enjoyed this little series? I've had no comments on any of my posts and no one as given me any feedback yet, so I am intrigued to know what you thought of it and whether you would like me to do something similar in the future. On the blog this week we have 'Worth the hype?' week. This is going to be 3 posts split into different categories (because I ended up including a lot of products) of products that have been massively hyped up, and whether I think that the hype was justified. If all goes to plan, Monday's post should be on face products, Wednesday's is all about eyes and Friday's should focus on lips! I am quite excited about the posts this week, I am always intrigued to see whether people think a product lives up to its hype or not, so hopefully you will enjoy it too!

I think that's all I have for you this week! I hope you've all had a lovely week, let me know what you've been up to!

Emily xx

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