

I've Been Nominated for a Liebster Award!

This is the third time I have been nominated for a Liebster award, this time by the lovely Kimberley JessicaThe Liebster Award was created to find out different things about bloggers and to also share love for other bloggers out there; a great way of getting noticed and sharing common interests!


The Sunday Edit #86

This week has been busy yet again, college work is really starting to pick up, as well as some very exciting bits going on in my other work life!

I've been brainstorming quite a lot this week for blogposts for Autumn and working really hard on college work (hence the lack of post Wednesday). I have also managed to bag myself another job! I've worked for next before as a temporary employee, but I have now landed myself a permanent position which I have an induction for Tuesday and I start officially on Wednesday which I am really excited about! It's not very many hours and obviously I'm not gonna be earning a huge amount of money, but it's enough to keep my car on the road and make me able to treat myself now and again! My life is about to get a whole lot busier with college work, my blog and obviously now my new job so I'm going to be hella busy over the next few months. Things are also getting busy with GRLPOWR, with our chats becoming a huge success and we are all currently working on organising a huge bloggers event in London next summer. I am a brand ambassador so my role is to get in touch with brands and ask them if they'd like to be involved, whether that be donating products for goody bags, sending out spokespeople for talks for bloggers, or bringing along a stand and some employees to sell products and give demos. I'm currently in the process of making a spreadsheet of brands that we would love to have on board which is keeping me very busy at the moment!

Today has been spent catching up on college work, writing some blogposts and working on the GRLPOWR event. I've been drinking chai lattes no stop all day (my new addiction) and I've been very productive so I'm feeling quite chuffed with myself. I've ticked off a lot of my to do list, so I'll definitely be done in time for the GRLPOWR chat tonight! Make sure you're there at 9pm on Twitter!
I'm also now perusing coconut lane for a pretty new laptop case, after borrowing my nan's macbook for a few weeks, my laptop has finally gone in to be repaired and will be ready to pick up on Monday so I'm treating it to a pretty new case! The marble ones are really appealing to me at the moment, I'm still debating whether to go for the grey marble hard case or to get the blush marble skin and put a clear hard case over the top. Decisions, decisions!

You should expect to see 2/3 posts from me this week, depending on how my scheduling goes. An extra 1/2 posts should make up for what I missed last week when I was mega busy! Things are a little up in the air at the minute in regards to my schedule because I just don't know what will pop up around the corner, but hopefully I'll be able to get into a proper routine soon so I'll be able to be more confident with my scheduling and know exactly how much time I'll have and exactly what I'll have to do.

I hope you've all had a lovely week, let me know what you've been up to!

Emily xx


The Battle of the Palettes - Guest Post by Ellie

Eyeshadow palettes. And then a massive heart eyes emoji. Because damn they are so beautiful. Palettes are one of the products that I love trying out and creating different looks with so today I have taken over Emily's blog to bring you my opinions on the 7 palettes I own. I'm not sure if that's a lot or not, but I think for a 14 year old it is. If you read my blog, you will know I am SUCH a rambler, I could talk and talk about makeup & fashion all day, but I'm going to try and keep this short and sweet so she doesn't hit me. Also I have done reviews of quite a few of these palettes, in which case I will link them.
Benefit World Famous Neutrals - £23.50
I'm going to be completely honest. This palette isn't the best. It is £23.50 which is a lot to pay for what is basically a quad with a couple of cream eyeshadows. The shades are very pretty but I just don't reach for them that much as they're not the most pigmented and they're kind of chalky too. Gilt-y pleasure and Kiss me I'm tipsy are such beautiful shades which had so much potential but Benefit couldn't quite get it right.
The cream eyeshadows however, are very pretty. I still don't reach for them that often but when I do they are beautiful shades, buildable and creamy and they look amazing all over the lid with winged liner for a quick look (well, not that quick if you mess up your eyeliner as much as me...). Overall, I wouldn't recommend this palette because the quality isn't that great, although the cream eyeshadows are worth look. The packaging is pretty gorgeous though. Full review here.
Collection Eyes Uncovered Nude Bronze - £3.99
Now, this is a six shade palette I would recommend. Just look at the price difference. Collection have always been a great brand with some amazing products and these palettes really stand out to me. There are different options but Nude Bronze contains bronzey toned nudes, literally. I can see myself reaching for this a lot more now autumn is approaching.
The eyeshadows feel so much more creamier than the Benefit ones, in fact I swatched 'Ochre' next to 'Gilt-y pleasure' and it is SO much more pigmented. These shadows also blend so much better and since they are only £4, what more could you ask really? Full review here.
Freedom Audacious 3 Palette - £4
Now onto another £4 palette (what a smooth transition) is my newest member of the makeup family. I heard about this from Sophdoesnails and it has such a stunning range of pink toned eyeshadows, some are a bit difficult to wear for me but some are so natural and gorgeous. The 7th shade has to be one of my favourites and the 8th kinda reminds me of YDK from Naked 2.
But seriously, this palette is so great if you are on a budget. The pigmentation is amazing, pretty much the same as the Collection one. The shades feel quite creamy although not too creamy and since there are quite a few other Pro 12 palettes from Freedom, you don't really have a choice do you? Full review here.
Urban Decay Naked 2 - £38.50
Ahh this is the most money I've ever spent on makeup but it is a very beautiful palette. The quality of the shadows is insane - they are so creamy and pigmented and not at all chalky. AND they blend out like a dream. The shades are so gorgeous and go really well together, however I feel that this palette is missing some more matte shades as there are only 3 and it needs a matte transition shade or crease shade really.
The shimmer colours are absolutely stunning and such good quality, its just the lack of matte shades means that its not a do it all palette, you will need other shadows. Although I couldn't survive with only one palette anyway. They are probably the best quality shadows I have tried, it is a lot for the price but if you're looking for some really unique shades, you will love this palette. If you can get over the fact it costs more than a pair of Topshop Jeans. Full review here.
If you want to read about the other 3 palettes and my thoughts on those, you'll have to go over to my blog as I didn't want to drown Emily's blog in my makeup ramblings. And I will be talking about which palette (if I can be decisive enough to pick one) wins the battle. Thank you so much for Em for letting me do a guest post on her blog, if you came from mine then have a read of Emily's blog, its great. And if you're one of her readers, I hope you enjoyed this post.
Ellie xoxo

Thank you so much Ellie for this wonderful post, be sure to check out her blog linked above! <3


The Sunday Edit #85

Well I messed up scheduling my posts this week so they didn't go up when they were meant to and I have only just noticed this morning! I have fixed them now, so my monthly round up and some information on a guest post that I recently did are all up where they should be! Honestly, I am such a donut!

Anyways, everything has been back to normal this week, back to college and back to working non stop! It's been a little stressful but not too bad, so many things have changed which aren't particularly good but I'm fairly content at the moment. I seem to be managing the work load fairly well at the minute and I'm not too stressed, just taking each day as it comes. I have so many breaks at college so I can take my laptop and get some blogging stuff done or any college work that needs to be done which is great, dropping a subject has given plenty more time to get stuff done which I think has made me feel much better and much more confident about this year.

Plans for this week include getting some more posts written up and scheduled for the next few weeks, planning some new and exciting content, testing out some PR samples ready for review and getting all of my college work done and hopefully try to get ahead so it makes my workload a little lighter over the next few weeks.

I don't really have a lot to say this week, I'm sat here with a complete blank mind! Make sure you check out the posts from this week if you missed them, you can find my monthly roundup here and a short little snippet of information on a very interesting post I wrote for ToniGeorgiaxo here.

Let me know how your week has been and what you're up to!

Emily xx


Why Blog? - Guest Post

Ever wondered how I came to start blogging, what my journey's been like and what my goals are? Then you can read all about it in a gues post that I did for Toni Georgia here. She has put together a series all about blogging, featuring a variety of different bloggers all about their blogging life so be sure to check it out!

If you are a blogger and would like to get involved, you can get into contact with Toni through details that can be found on her blog, I'm sure she would love to hear from you!

Emily xx


The August Roundup

Where the hell did this month go?! Seeing as I don't have a favourites post this month (I'm still loving all the things I raved about last month) I thought I would do something a little different so that August didn't go by without it's very own post dedicted solely to it.

This month has been a little crazy. I've been working non-stop on my blog all month, with plenty of exciting blog related things happening to. I've been working with brands alot more this month, getting products for review, writing articles for them and I also did my very first sponsorship which went up last Friday.  All of this is new to me, I have worked with brands in the past but it only happened a few times and it was nothing major to speak of, but this month seems to have been all about the brands. I love working with brands to try out so many different things, and if they're worthy of a blog mention then you all seem to love them too!

Obviously this month also marked the birth of #GRLPOWR which you can read all about here if you're unfamiliar. This has been a majorly time-consuming but amazing project to be involved in. Our first chat was extremely successful, alot more so than we imagined and we were all quite shocked by how quickly this little community grew and the success it had achieved in just under a week. As I am writing this post, our account is at 650 Twitter Followers and it has only been live for just over a week! I hosted the first chat of September last Thursday which I talked about in my last 'The Sunday Edit', and I was overwhelmed by the amount of support and lovely comments I got from it! I'm amazed by how much this little project has become something very important and it has allowed my social media and readership to grow considerably over the latter part of the month. As it stands, I am 10 followers off 300 on Bloglovin' (I'm writing this post on Friday 2nd September so it's scheduled for when I'm back at college) which is absolutely crazy! When I started out, I didn't even think one person would read my rambles, let alone 300 of you and counting! I am extremely proud of all the ladies involved in the little community, we have all worked really hard to make this project as great as it possibly can be!

Sadly, as August draws to a close, it means it's time to go back to school/college/uni. I got my exam grades in the middle of August and I got an A in Law, B in Accounting and B in Economics which were the 3 subjects that I'll be carrying on with into A2 so I am so chuffed with my grades and hopefully the next year will be equally as successful. I went out and bought some cute stationary to try and make the whole going back to college thing a little less painful, I'm still not looking forward to it though!

I hope you have all had a fantastic month, and Happy September!

Emily xx


Top 5 Autumn Skincare Picks | AD

It's the most wonderful time of the yeeearrrrrrr! Yes that's right, Autumn is on the horizon and I could not be happier! Autumn is my absolute favourite time of the year, I love the fashion, the makeup and being able to wrap up all nice and cozy with a pumkin spiced latte whilst watching GBBO. Today I'm giving you a round up of my top 5 skincare products that I like to take into Autumn to keep my skin in tip top condition.

The Sunday Edit #84


I was going back through my old blog photos the other day and found this - how pretty is this lipstick?!

This week has been busy af! I've had so much work to catch up on becasue I have been away on holiday for so long. I've either been working on blog things, working on bits and pieces for our GRLPOWR project or doing my college summer tasks that are due in next week and I've left to the last minute yet again! I've been pretty much sat in front of the computer or on my phone all week, but it hasn't been too bad, I enjoy keeping busy! GRLPOWR has been a huge success this week, we have done 2 chats already and they have done absolutely amazing, our hashtag trendeed 2nd in the country on Tuesday! It was absolutely crazy, and I hosted Thursday night which was quite nerve wracking because I had never hosted a chat before. It went absolutely amazingly, our hashtag trended again and it was extremely successful! I couldn't keep up with the amount of people who were getting involved, it was mind blowing but I thoroughly enjoyed it! The topi was positivity and happiness and I was thrilled to see that it had helped so many people with whatever they are going through at the moment. I also did my first sponsored post this week which was mega exciting, and I've also been buying lots of new bits and bobs for going back to college to make it a little less painful. I really can't believe that we are in September already, it seems like just yesterday when I broke up from college on 1st July and now a whole two months has passed! The time is going by way too fast and it's scaring me, before I know it, it'll be December and I'll be 18 years of age. Full on adult, like what the hell?! Mentally I'm still 7, it's completely mind blowing that in just under 3 months time, I'll be a legal adult with responsibilities. I'm not sure I'm ready for all this!

Seeing as I am back to college on Monday, I've had to rejig my scheduling a little bit to give me enough time to keep on top of everythign so I don't get too overwhelmed. I took on way too much last year and really stressed myself out, so I want to avoid that this year and allow myself time to get everything done and make sure it's done well. My new schedule will be a new post every Wednesday and Sunday, with the occasional Friday post when I've got time. The Wednesday posts will be beauty/fashion related and the Sunday posts will be my usual 'The Sunday Edit' to update you on everything that is going on! I hope that's ok for all of you, obviously I would love to keep my schedule of 4 posts a week, but realistically I don't think its possible to be putting out 4 posts a week, keeping on top of college work, dancing and also having a bit of time to myself! The last thing I want is for either my blog or my college work to suffer because I've run out of time, so I think cutting down the amount of times I post on my blog will help to keep everything running smoothly and stop my little brain exploding!

I hope you have all had a lovely week, let me know what you've been up to and what your plans are for the next week! If you're starting something new, then I wish you luck and I hope you enjoy every minute of it. If there are any posts you'd like to see from me, then be sure to let me know, if I'm putting out less content then I want to make sure that they are things that you'll look forward to and want to read! Thank you for your continued support, it's greatly appreciated!

Emily xx