


As promised yesterday, I would do a post on my prom! I have included a few of the many pictures that were taken on the night and I thought I would talk you through my outfit.  I will be doing a separate post at some point on my makeup as I am yet to get the other pictures from my dads camera which have some better pictures of my makeup.

Starting with nails, as you can see from the picture above they are quite plain and simple really! I got natural acrylics painted with gel polish.  This was the only shade they had which went with my dress, I originally wanted nude but they didn't have any which was a little disappointing but I still love these!  I may do a whole post on acrylics once I have had them for quite a while as I know many people like to learn of other people's experience before getting them theirselves.

I got my hair done into an elegant twisted bun with a little bit of volume at the top and some small curls hanging down. I wanted something quite simple as the dress was pretty full on so i didn't want the attention to be taken away from it or for it to look too much. I didn't do this myself, I got my hair dresser to do it as I don't fancy myself as much of a hair stylist, and for an occasion like this you won't everything to be on point *inserts sassy emoji*.

The most important thing was obviously the dress! I first saw this dress on Dylanqueen but managed to get it on eBay for just a fraction of the price! Just type in cream prom dress on google or eBay and it will come up! It has a silver sequinned top with a strip of jewels round the middle and then a slightly puffy net skirt with sequins that almost fade down and spread like a gradient.  It is such  beautiful dress but the only issues I did have were the fact that it was way too long and needed to be taken up and the sequins also cut under my arms which have been quite sore for the last few days.  My shoes and clutch were both from next.   They complimented the dress perfectly without being too much which I loved! The shoes were surprisingly comfortable considering they were so high, but they did make my legs ache after a while! I am also glad that the glitter didn't come off these every where.

For jewellery, my sister made my necklace and my earrings are from Matalan.  They almost look sort of leaf like with diamonds and I thought they looked very sophisticated and suited the occasion well.  Lastly, I wore my pandora bracelet and my Michael Kors watch as they are the only silver wrist wear that I own and gold just didn't look right! I also wore my pandora rings that I got of my 16th birthday!

I had a fab night and I got plenty of photos with all my friends and some of my favourite teachers! I hope you enjoyed reading this and having a nose at all my pictures! I will put even more up on my Facebook page which is linked in my social media page, or you can type in Emily Faye's Little World to find me!

Emily xx


The Sunday Edit #57

This week has been rather chaotic and eventful! So much has happened which I will be discussing in this post!

As you will already know if you read the Sunday Edit last week, it was my prom on Thursday.  I have spent all week preparing for that which was stressful but very exciting! I went to get my nails done Tuesday, tanned myself and then got my hair cut and dyed wednesday (I went for balayage instead of ombre this time!) and then I got my hair put up on Thursday because hair styling really isn't my forte!   It was such an amazing night and I loved every minute of it, definitely a night to remember and it was lovely to see everyone from school again.  I will have a full post on my prom up tomorrow with full details on my outfit, makeup etc.

I also had my pre-enrolment day at college on Friday which actually wasn't as bad as I had anticipated.  I had been dreading it all week but I actually enjoyed the taster sessions I had for the subjects I have chosen and I feel slightly more comfortable with starting in September which I am glad about! I was so tired though, after not getting home until 1 in the morning after prom and then doing a full day from 8:30-4:00 in college!

Onto a quite sad note, I'm sure most of you will have heard about the tragic loss of life in the blogging community over the past few days.  Carly lovett who ran the blog 'CeeJayEll' was sadly caught up in the Tunisia attacks on Friday which is deeply saddening. Though I didn't know Carly personally, I had read her blog and communicated through twitter so it was quite a shock.  Including this in a blog post is quite controversial at the moment as people who have written about her in blogposts have faced a lot of hatred and have been accused of using this topic as a way to increase blog traffic.  Obviously if this is their intention, then that is just despicable behaviour but there are some people who are genuinely saddened by this weeks events and would like to show their support and respect for her loved ones.  I think it is lovely that so many people have shown so much support for her family and friends and the blogging community have recognised her as someone who will be truly missed.  On that note, I would just like to say that from what I knew of Carly, she was an extremely lovely lady and this tragic loss of life has really shaken up the blogging community.

I hope you have all had a lovely week and I would like to finish off by saying that my thoughts are with everyone affected by this weeks tragic events and I wish you all well!

Emily xx


What I've Won #5

Today I received some goodies in the mail from MyChelle which teamed up with Angelica from One Little Vice to host a giveaway for a £50 prize, which as you probably will have already gathered, I won!

After a lot of umming and ahhing and pondering over their vast range of products, I chose the Cranberry Mud Mask and the Clear Skin Serum to try.  This really isn't a brand that I have heard a lot about, only through Angelica so I was glad to be able to experiment with a different brand and try some of their products!

I am yet to try these, but I am sure there will be a review at some point or they will be mentioned in either a favourites post if they are good, anything skincare related or maybe even a disappointing products post if they don't live up to my expectations.

I would assume from the price tag that the quality is good so I look forward to putting these to the test and I shall report back!

Emily xx


Starting a YouTube?

This may come as a surprise to you, but I am going to be starting a youtube channel! Above is a draft of my channel banner, and you can subscribe to my channel here.  This is something I have been contemplating for a while and I have finally got the guts to do it. I am yet to film videos to put up, but I think it will be a new hobby for me and something else to fill my time with other than blogging.  I will definitely continue to blog and this whole YouTube thing is just a trial at the moment. I may not enjoy it, in which case I will just revert back to solely blogging, but I thought I would just give it a go and see how I get on.  I am planning on filming an intro for my channel and possibly a vlog at some point this week, and I would love to film my prom makeup look for you! I am going to get my hair done at the hairdressers but I can film a few different hair styles that you could wear to prom too!

I am really excited about this so I am hoping to gain your support on this new adventure! :)

Emily xx


The Sunday Edit #56

Seeing as I pretty much wrote about everything I would have put in my Sunday Edit in yesterday's post, I thought I would just take this opportunity to wish all of your dad's a very happy fathers day and I hope you have all spoilt them rotten!

I hope you have had a lovely weekend, and you enjoy the picture of this gorgeous pug puppy!

Emily xx


UPDATE - I'm Back!

Well hello there you lovely humans, long time no speak! So exams are finally over and I am free!! I am so glad to be back blogging, I think my time away has really made me appreciate just how much I enjoy it and I've really missed it so I am definitely thrilled to be returning with plenty of (hopefully) exciting content! In this post, I thought I would just give you a little update on things and give you some hints into what you may be seeing on here in the future!

Since I've been away, a few things have happened, the first being that I got a new phone! As you can probably tell from the photo above, I've now got the gold iPhone 6.  My contract was coming to the end and I was due an upgrade so this is a nice treat for finishing exams. So far, I absolutely love it! It's the perfect size, not massive and not too small, and I can do everything I want on it.  I have much more memory on this than I did on my iPhone 5C so if you have any good app recommendations then do let me know! If you would like to see a more in depth post on my phone and have a little peak as to whats on it, then let me know if that is something you would be interested in!

I also have had a lot of new products come in recently, some I've bought, some I've been sent and some I have won in giveaways so I can't wait to share them with you! It is also my prom on Thursday so I am looking forward to doing posts on my hair, makeup, nails and my outfit! I've given away seek peaks on my Instagram and snapchat so go and check those out if you would like a look! My IG is linked in the buttons at the top of my blog and my snapchat is emilyfaye1998 so give me a follow!

I thought that since I am returning to blogging, I would love a new blog design since I am a little tired of mine and I'm not entirely happy with it.  Unfortunately, I have no clue how to do this myself and I have no money! If any of you lovely ladies know anywhere that I can get a free template, then do let me know.  If any of you make your own blog templates and are lovely enough to make me a complimentary one, I will write an entire blogpost on you and your work and give your blog a mention!

The next couple of weeks should hopefully be fun! This week I am getting my hair and nails done and then my prom is on Thursday which I am so excited for! The week after I am actually going back to school to help with 'Transition week' which is where the year 6's who will be next years year 7's come up for the week to see what secondary school is like, almost like the Induction day that most of you will probably have had when you started.  I also have my pre-enrolment day at college on Friday which I am actually dreading because I really don't want to go! I just have this feeling that I am going to hate it, but I havent really got a choice in the matter! Stupid government making me stay in education even longer!

I think that is all I have to update you on, I will be back tomorrow with 'The Sunday Edit' and then I will be back to my old schedule, I may even consider daily blogging if I find that I am stuck at home all the time with absolutely nothing else to do with my life!

Emily xx


The Beauty Blogger Tag

It has been a while since I have done a tag on my blog so I thought now would be the time to do another one!  Today I am bringing you the Beauty Blogger Tag, I have seen this floating around a few times and thought it would be  good bit of fun! I nominate you all to do it, and leave all of your links down below if you have already done it or do it after reading this post.

Is your hair naturally curly or straight?

My hair is definitely more curly than it is straight. It varies on a day-to-day basis, my hair just does whatever it pleases and cares for nobody.

What is your natural hair colour?

My natural hair colour is brunette!

Do you dye it yourself or go to a salon?

I go to the salon to get it dyed.  I am still my natural colour, however I do have a blond ombré which I have had for about a year now. I am planning to get balayage done within the next month or so because the ends of my hair go ginger as soon as it looks at the sun as my hair naturally has a lot of red in it, and it drives me up the wall

How often do you wash your hair?

Every other day, although I can go longer if I'm feeling particularly rebellious and have some decent dry shampoo to hand.

Do you wear the same style every day or change it?

My hair style changes a lot on a daily basis! It's either down and straight, down and curly, bits pinned pack, up in a pony tail, in a fishtail plait, a side bun, a ballet bun or in a messy bun.  I usually put it in an up-do when it's second day hair.

How often do you change your nail polish?

Not very often as I can't wear nail polish to school, but when I do its usually every 4-5 days.

How long does it take you to put on your makeup?

It takes me about half an hour because I am so slow in the mornings and I just generally can't be bothered. Oh, and everything has to be perfect before I will allow myself to leave the house, eyeliner is my most hated thing in the entire world, although I love wearing it.

What do you do first, face or eyes?

I used to always do face first, but recently I have realised that by doing eyes whilst my moisturiser sinks in makes everything a lot quicker! Why I never thought of this before, I have no idea.

Do you ‘collect’ makeup or just buy what you need when you need it?

I think being a beauty blogger, the majority of us collect it.  In my mind, I need everything all the time so I'm assuming that makes me a collector?

Do you do a full face of makeup every day?

Most days I do a full-ish face, it doesnt look like much but I suppose in theory it is a full face.  If I know I'm not going anywhere then I generally just throw on some bb cream and mascara in case we get visitors, I don't want to be scaring anybody!

Will you leave the house without makeup?

As awful as this sounds, no! I am willing to leave with a bit of concealer on and nothing else, but I think no makeup is just too much for me! Maybe in the future this will change.

How many high end products do you have?

Quite a lot, I think around 20 off the top of my head.

How often do you wash your makeup brushes?

Definitely not as often as I should do.  They get done every 3 weeks if they're lucky.

How often do you change your handbag?

I used to change it all the time, but since I got my Michael Kors bag, I never change it because it's m favourite bag in the entire world and I lurrrrvvveee it.

What time do you get up and go to sleep?

I usually go to sleep around 11:30 and I get up at 7:20 on school days and around 11 on weekends and school holidays.

Do you speak a foreign language?

I did 3 years of French and know the basics, and I know a few words of Welsh.

How often are you on blogger?

Only when I am writing posts which is usually twice a week as I generally try to write my posts up in bulk so that I know I always have something ready to go up if I suddenly find that I have no time to write anything.

Do you read the comments posted blogs?

I do! Anyone that comments and leaves a blog link always gets a follow on bloglovin' and I always have a little browse.

Do you keep a list of products to try as you see other posts?

Yes, I always add them to shopping bags online and put them in my notes on my phone.  Most of the time I never get round to buying them, and a lot of things I buy straight away without even thinking about it!

What kind of camera do you use for photographs?

I actually use my iPhone 5C at the moment because my Nikon Coolpix has been playing up a bit recently.  I will sometimes use my Dad's Nikon D300 SLR thingamajig  if I'm feeling fancy!

That concludes the beauty blogger tag, leave your links in the comments so I can have a look!

Emily xx


The Sunday Edit #55

This post is up a day late because I forgot to press publish yesterday, my bad! This week has been exam and revision filled as per usual! I have had 3 exams this week and I have 4 next week, thrilling! I have 9 left altogether so I am around half way through now!

I have had no time to myself all week, just constant revision all the time and I am seriously exhausted.  We  did get some amusement out of the edexcel maths exam, as I’m sure most of you would have heard about on social media! Hannah and her bloody sweets! I’m actually quite pleased with myself at the fact that I actually did that question and got the right answer!  Some of the other questions were absolutely hideous though so hopefully they lower the grade boundaries so that I can get my target grade!

As you may have noticed, this weeks blogposts have been pre-written.  My last one goes up tomorrow which means there may not be a post until the end of next week.  I am kicking myself now because I really should have prepared a little more in advance and got more blogposts written up for the exam season.  I didn’t quite anticipate how busy I’d be so I’m afraid I wasn't prepared! I will know for next year now to get some more blogposts pre-written  to cover the whole of exam period.  My last exam is 19th June so hopefully that will be when my next posts goes up, but if I have some spare time before that then I will be sure to get something up for you!  I have so many posts ready to be written but no time to get them up for you!

Anyways, I have some revision to get back to so I hope that you have had a lovely week and are enjoying the lovely weather!

Emily xx


The Orange Lip Edit

Left to Right: Mac Coral Bliss, Revlon Audacious, Rimmel In love with ginger, MUR Divine, MUR Luscious, Collection Fairy Cake, Essence Coral Calling

Ok, so maybe the title is a slight lie. There are quite a few coral/pinky shades in this post too so they aren't all technically orange lips, but I suppose they are all of the same colour family right? Oh well, I will talk about them anyway as they are my favourite lipsticks to wear during the summer.  I have everything from bright to sheer, from glossy to matte and from orange to coral for you today.  These are the lipsticks that I get the most use of throughout the summer months and are some of my all time favourite lip products.

If matte, bright lips are your thing, then I've got some amazing ones for you! The Revlon ColorBurst Matte Balm Stain in the shade 'Audacious' is a neon orange with a very subtle hint of pink.  It is the perfect colour to add a bright pop of colour and emphasise a tan, whilst also packing in one of the best matte formulas I have tried.  Long lasting colour with a matte finish that keeps lips hydrated all day without a flake in sight!  Another similar and more affordable offering is the Makeup Revolution Amazing Lipstick in Divine.  This is a slightly more coral colour and is slightly lighter than the revlon one.  The formula of this is a lot more drying than the revlon one and can tend to be slightly uncomfortable to wear if your lips have not been thoroughly moisturised before application.  This is certainly a great alternative though, at the amazing price of just £1! Lastly, we have a more velvety offering from Collection, which is their Cream Puff Lip Cream in the shade 'Fairy Cake'.   This is certainly more of a coral shade, and whilst it isn't quite as long lasting as the other 2, it lasts a good 4 hours and leaves behind a stain which prevents the need for constant reapplying.

If a bright lips that aren't completely matte, yet aren't glossy are more your type of thing, I have plenty of middle-of-the-road products for you.  My favourite shade is the Rimmel Moisture Renew Lipstick in the shade 'In Love With Ginger'.  This has been a blogger favourite for a while now and is the perfect orangey red for the summer time.  The formula is highly moisturising  which unfortunately means that it doesn't last an awfully long time, however I really do think it is worth the extra faff because it is such a beautiful shade. Next is another affordable offering, the Makeup Revolution Amazing Lipstick in the shade Luscious.  This is just a straight up orange shade, no hints of pink, no hints of red, just a light orange.  The formula of this is slightly more long lasting than the rimmel one and packs a serious amount of pigment all for £1!  Lastly is a new favourite of mine which is the Essence Long Lasting Lipstick in the shade Coral Calling.  It does exactly what it says on the tin, it is a long-lasting coral shade! It is one of essiebutton's favourites which was what urged me to buy it too, so hopefully that will persuade you to realise that you need this in your life.

Last but not least, if you aren't brave enough for the rest and fancy something a little more subtle, sheer and glossy, then Mac have got you covered! Coral Bliss is the perfect nude with a hint of orange that really makes a tan pop and can easily be worn on a daily basis.  It is a cremation finish so it is very sheer and glossy, with a buttery texture to keep lips hydrated.  I also find this to be very long-lasting!

What are your favourite orange lip products? Which is your favourite shade for the summer?

Emily xx


May Favourites 2015

Wow, May has absolutely flown by! It has been a fairy stressful month so I am glad to see the back of it, I know June will be just as bad but only up until the 19th then I have freedom!!!!!!!!!  I honestly don't know what I'll do with myself when exams are done, I will have nothing horrific to fill my time with! I will be pretty lost, but that also means I will have so much more time for blogging! I actually have quite a few favourites this month, surprisingly, it is very skincare heavy!

I'll start off with skincare as there is the most to talk about here.  The first 3 products I was actually sent to review, but I have really loved them through this month.  I put up a review of the Sebamed products* here where I talked about how much I liked the toner and the care gel so I won't ramble on too much, but they are really amazing products that I will definitely be repurchasing in the future! They are fantastic for such an affordable price! The next is my Magnitone Lucid* as featured here.  I have noticed such an improvement in my skin since using this, it has been a lot smoother and a lot less dry/oily (yeah my skin is crazy).  It helps me to remove the remainder of my makeup so that I know that I am going to bed with a squeaky clean face which makes me a very happy blogger!  Lastly, is the Garnier Fresh Essentials Hydrating Day Cream.  I really didn't think I would get on with this, as I don'r get on with a lot of moisturisers due to my fussy face.  This is the only moisturiser I have ever used that doesn't break me out, controls oil, keep my skin flake free and ensures that my makeup applies and site perfectly.  I am so impressed with this product and I have almost used 1/3 and I have only had it about a fortnight!

Onto makeup, it won't come as a surprise to you that Benefit Roller Lash has been my mascara of choice this month.  I picked up the full size of this after trying the sample, and I think it is safe to say I have no regrets.  If you would like to read a full review, I have one here along with the world and its mother!  As you have probably read in some of my previous posts, I have been really into baked blushes and glowy cheeks in general, and my favourite this month has been the Elf Baked Blush in Peachy Cheeky.  It gives the perfect baby pink flush to the cheeks with a gold sheen running through it to give you a glow without being too glittery.  The pigmentation of this is in the middle which I personally like in a blush.  It makes application easy and I can be as heavy handed as my little heart desires and really build it up if I want a more dramatic look.  On a daily basis, I usually just go for a quick and minimal application so I don't look like I tried too hard! Lastly, I have the Maybelline Fit Me Concealer.  I bought this a while back and found it to be too dark, so it got shoved to the back of the drawer.  One day, I just randomly picked it up and I have strangely become using it as an eye primer! It works perfectly as an eye primer, it covers up any veins and discolouration and provides a surface for my shadows to stick to.  They now last all day without creasing which is almost unheard of for me as I have such oily eyelids.

I can only think of one random favourite this month and it has to be SnapChat.  I have had it for a while but never really gotten the hype over it, but this month I have been using it so much more and I usually post a story a day.  I love watching people's stories and I think it is a really fun way to keep up with what your friends are doing! If you would like to add me, my username is 'emilyfaye1998' and comment on this blogpost to let me know that you have added me and your username so I know who you all are!

That concludes this months favourites, I hope you have all had a brilliant month and I hope that next month is just as good!

Emily xx


The End of a Chapter

Something a little more lifestylish today, I thought I would share with you the end of a very important chapter in my life, the end of secondary school. 

As mentioned previously, Friday 22nd May 2015 was my very last day at school before going on study leave.  It was a very emotional day for all of us, a lot of my friends are going on apprenticeships or going to different colleges which means that we will very rarely see each other which will be really strange as we have been inseparable for the past 5 years.   Not only have I left behind friends, but I’ve left behind some teachers who I was very fond of.  Two in particular really, I refer to them as my ‘school mums’ as I know I can talk to them about almost anything and they’ll always be there when I need a good moan about something.  They have such lovely personalities and are just some of the nicest people I have met, so leaving them behind was very hard.  Without them, I never would have got my nickname, Little Em!  As hard as it is to have to go, it’s something I will have to do eventually.  Although I don’t want to say goodbye, I will never be able to explore new places and new people and be able to better myself to pursue my chosen career path.  College will be a new experience for me, and hopefully one that I will enjoy and get a lot from.  Let me know your experiences with leaving school, it is a big thing to go through so I would like to know how you got on.

Emily xx